Sunday, February 22, 2009

Brainstorming Blossoms

Button Blossoms

Blossoms by buttons. It seems we are talking A LOT about fans, but we have no idea what to do with them! This seems ideal for the wall,but would require thoughtful planning. We would need buttons galore!! I have mad buttons to donate!!

Origami Cherry Blossoms

Blossoms themselves are folded paper, the stems on which they are attached are curly willow.

Craft tissu
e paper blossoms

Make cherry blossoms by adding tissue paper. Gather branches that have fallen outside; let dry, if necessary. Cut out 2-inch squares of pink tissue, pinch tightly in the middle to create blooms, and affix them to branches with white glue. This is a very simple and basic idea to craft our own cherry blossoms!


Cherry Blossom LED Lights

I found several cool images with illuminated cherry blossoms. I got the idea at link below. The website gives step-by-step instructions, posted by a woman who is a SF Crafter so, stores where materials can be purchase include local retailers. Online supplier info too.


  1. i really like how the first photo looks like.

  2. I like the idea of finding branches and gluing tissue paper blossoms on them. I'm just not sure how the branches will look with using the red fans for a background. What do you guys think? Were we still planning on using the cherry blossoms as the border?

  3. i want to use blossoms for sure. i like the idea of using tissue paper the most.

    alyssa, the fans, like we said can always be painted.... or let me know asap if you want these instead:

  4. I still like the idea of making fans. we can do this together or on our own. I thought purchasing would be a good option too, but waiting for arrival and also having to paint, not such a good idea.
    As of Tuesdays last class meeting, we agreed three visual elements:

    Lets make it work. Sorry, I am moving and packing this weekend, but first chance tonight I will upload more sketches for composition layout.

  5. I agree that making fans is probably a better option. Personally I like the idea of solid color fans and maybe doing a few different colors to create some interest.

    Sorry I can't find my camera cord to upload pictures of sketches but this is what I'm picturing: (hopefully this will make sense) I would like to use the fans as the backdrop by pinning them to the wall, we can layer them or put cardboard (or whatever) behind some of them to create a more 3d effect, I also like the idea of using the color of the obi from the kimono as a pop color for the background. then we can use the cherry blossoms as a border to outline the space we'll be using.

    Larice thanks so much for filling out the project plan for class tomorrow! Maybe we can all talk before or after class and make a concrete plan of who does what this week to start making the fans and blossoms.


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