Monday, May 18, 2009

copy of the email i just sent

Hey, I used the silver things and rolled them with film negatives. I have quite a bit of unused 35mm film to form flowers out of, but I'm still debating what to use as a stem... ideas? As far as the base coverings I was thinking of using BW prints of photos. These have a good resolution, so printing them out big should be easy. Again, just an idea, anything more creative would be great.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Flowers/ Film

I have 3 ideas to work w. 1 for each cube.
1) make flowers out of 35 mm film
2) make flowers out of the actual rolls
3) make flowers out of printed pictures

Does any one have old rolls that we can take apart? We need to go light on the $$ this time becuase we went way way over for the table. Lets try not to spend any $...It will be a challenge that will pay back. Ask all co-workers, friends and family for film.
The attached picture isnt what I was picturing exactly but it was the only pic I could find that was similar.

NYC: Flower window display

colorful flowers are composed of Creative's Zen line of digital audio players.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

PAPER Flowers

Just some examples of paper flowers we can all make. I have the dimensions of small cubes approx. 10"x10"x10". So how are we going to go out with a bang?? I like the idea of black and white kinda like a play on "New Years Eve" but need to develop this more. Thoughts anyone?? It is our FINAL DISPLAY!!