Friday, May 8, 2009

colors for candy

hi guys..

any luck with the different color licorice for the chandelier? has anyone gotten anything yet? just asking bc my friend at work is going to sew the drink me labels and place setting labels for me and I wasn't sure what color thread to tell her to use... if anyone who has purchased things could post photos or what colors you ended up getting that would be great! Thanks guys! have a good weekend = )


1 comment:

  1. I bought the red licorice. I am making the base for the chandelier and spray painting it white. I found one chair that I am priming in white but not sure what color to spray next. Still looking for decorations.
    As far as cards, How about a sapphire blue or deep purple? What color paper and what shape are you using? I pictured a cream color kinda in the shape of a tag for a present.


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