Friday, March 6, 2009


Just throwing out some other easy ideas from tears I found for GREEN theme. i also thought using miniature garden statues to create a garden scene would be cool.

(add to post 3/08/09)
Can everyone bring props for GREEN theme so we can discuss project 2 in more detail Tuesday night? I like Alyssa's lamb, it is unique. I think Audra has a tree of some sort she thought we could use. I know the dirt and moss can be purchased inexpensively. I have a few small moving boxes we could use to build a hill or two on the table top. I will also try to bring props from home that we could use to re-create a scene similar to above tears.

1 comment:

  1. I like these ideas, all of this product is from anthropologie so if we decide to use any of it I'd be happy to buy it for us. If anyone wants to browse on and see if there's anything else you're intersted in using you can let me know and i'll buy it if we have it in at my store .


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