So I went to the fabric store today and all the fabrics that are asian inspired ranged from $10-13 a yard, pretty pricey and since we have enough blossoms to go all the way around it's probably not worth it, and I think it would be too busy to have both the fabric and the blossoms and since Durand seemed to prefer the blossom idea I think we should just do that all the way around. Considering that I like the option Audra suggested in her email, we could just bring the supplies to do it just in case we decide it would look good. Does anyone have red paint?
Also, do we need any other supplies for attaching things to the wall? What does everyone have? I think we have a staple gun and hot glue gun at work that I can borrow.
For green, we can also just use newspaper scrunched up and put the moss over it to create little hills and different levels on the table, that's what we did at my work when we used the moss on flat surfaces. I'll bring my sheep to class so we can see if we like it on the table. I don't think I'm going to be able to make the fountain after all because our display coordinator is out of town installing display at a different store this week and I'm probably going out of town this coming weekend. Maybe we can do it for a different project. Anyway, since I can't do that I'm happy to buy the moss and if we want to use anything from anthro like in the photos that Larice posted.
Do we have the black fabric background yet?