Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bird concept

Here are the colors for pink and turquoise props. Alyssa is designing the yellow cube. Had no problem finding bird houses and bird cages at Pet Club and Micheal's.

Luisa & Resha-

We need a birds nest, one medium in size, or three smaller in size for yellow cube. Nest should be painted yellow.

Bird house and latter are for turquoise cube. Still unsure of base covering. IDEAS anyone???

Bird cages and birds are for pink cube. Plan to paint the cages black and birds pink or vise versa actually might work better. Alyssa is creating base covering for pink cube with newspaper.


  1. all of this looks great larice! i left a message for resha so hopefully she gets it in time to go supply shopping tomorrow..

    resha or luisa if you see this we need eggs for the yellow themed cube so any yellow eggs you can find and other colors that we can paint black so get some black paint too and hopefully you have time to paint them before class.. I have all the feathers we'll need.. try to get different sizes of eggs so we can have some variety and create some sort of egg sculpture by gluing them together..

    please post what you find and if i need to i can run over to joannes on my lunch break on tuesday to see if i can find anything else

    = )

  2. Actually paint eggs black. I found that Micheal's has an awesome variety available in tiny to large sizes and shapes. Also check the wood area and get some wooded eggs with a flat bottom. they will stand up and look nice since we are going for variety.thx..

  3. the bird house and shoe is not going to fit in the box i think


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